
  1. Anatomi - Abdominal Wall
  2. Anatomi - Embryologi Craniofasial 1
  3. Anatomi - Embryologi Craniofasial 2
  4. Anatomi - Embryologi GIT
  5. Anatomi - Makros GIT
  6. Anatomi - Makros Kelenjar GIT
  7. Anatomi - Mikros GIT
  8. Anatomi - Mikros Kelenjar GIT
  9. Anatomi - Praktikum GIT
  10. Anatomi - Praktikum Histo GIT
  11. Anatomi - Radiologi Abdomen
  12. Bedah - Appendicitis
  13. Bedah - Hemorhoid
  14. Bedah - Hernia 1
  15. Bedah - Hernia 2
  16. Bedah - Hernia 3
  17. Bedah - Ileus Obstruksi
  18. Bedah - Obstruksi of the Large Intestine
  19. Bedah - Peritonitis
  20. Bedah - Prolapsus Recti
  21. Bedah Anak - Acute Care Pediatric Surgey
  22. Bedah Anak - Anorectal Malformation
  23. Bedah Anak - Gastrointestinal Obstruction Syndrome
  24. Bedah Anak - GIT
  25. Bedah Plastik - Sumbing Bibir
  26. Faal - Digestive System
  27. Faal - Traktus Gastro
  28. Faal - Gangguan GIT, hepar
  29. Farmako - Antibiotic classes
  30. Farmako - Obat gastro intestinal
  31. IPD - Abses liver
  32. IPD - Cholecystitis
  33. IPD - Dispepsia
  34. IPD - Epidemiologi hepatitis
  35. IPD - Gastritis
  36. IPD - Gastrointestinal bleeding
  37. IPD - Gerd
  38. IPD - Inflammatory bowel disease
  39. IPD - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  40. IPD - Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  41. IPD - Pancreatitis
  42. IPD - Peptic Ulcer
  43. IPD - Sirosis
  44. IPD - The Dx of Hepatitis
  45. IPD - Tuberculous peritonitis
  46. IPD - Update Management in Upper GI Bleeding
  47. Mikro - Bacterial GI Infection
  48. Mikro - Enterobacteriaceae prak
  49. Mikro - Salmonellosis, Typhoid, H,Pylori
  50. Mikro - Viral _ Fungal GI Infection
  51. Orodental - Abses Dento Aveolar
  52. Orodental - Erythema Multiforme
  53. Orodental - Glossitis
  54. Orodental - Infeksi Bakteri
  55. Orodental - Infeksi dan Radang
  56. Orodental - Infeksi Fungi
  57. Orodental - Karies
  58. Orodental - Kista Rongga Mulut
  59. Orodental - Lesi Putih dan Non Putih
  60. Orodental - Mouth ulcer
  61. Orodental - Neoplasma-leukoplakia
  62. Orodental - Oral Candidiasis
  63. Orodental - Oral Lichen Planus
  64. Orodental - Pembengkakan dan Benjolan
  65. Orodental - Pencegahan karies gigi
  66. Orodental - Reinforcement Anestesi Lokal
  67. Orodental - Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren
  68. Orodental - Topical Fluoride
  69. Orodental - Traumatik ulser
  70. Orodental - Variasi Normal
  71. PA - GIT
  72. PA - Hati, Sistema Biliaris, Pankreas
  73. PA - Hepatobiliaris System
  74. Parasite - Gastro Protozoa 2013-1
  75. Parasite - Gastro Protozoa 2013-2
  76. Parasite - Gastro Protozoa treatment
  77. Parasite - Human Intestinal Parasites Infection,Symptoms and Treatment 1
  78. Parasite - Human Intestinal Parasites Infection,Symptoms and Treatment 2
  79. Parasite - Intestinal Helminth
  80. Parasite - Metronid+Paromo
  81. Pediatri - Abdominal Wall Defects
  82. Pediatri - Alergi Makanan
  83. Pediatri - Allergy Desensitization
  84. Pediatri - Amoebiasis intestinalis
  85. Pediatri - Anaphylaxis
  86. Pediatri - Diare akut
  87. Pediatri - Diare kronis
  88. Pediatri - Dietary history taking for allergic disease
  89. Pediatri - Hepatitis B
  90. Pediatri - Hepatologi Pengantar
  91. Pediatri - Hepatologi Hepatitis A dan C
  92. Pediatri - Kolestasis
  93. Pediatri - Konstipasi
  94. Pediatri - Muntah dan GER Satrio
  95. Pediatri - Obstruksi GI pada Neonatus
  96. Pediatri - Peritonitis TB
  97. Pediatri - Prevention of HBV transmission
  98. Pediatri - Tatalaksana keracunan makanan pada anak
  99. Pediatri - Tes Alergi Pada Anak
  100. PK - Pemeriksaan Darah Samar Tinja
  101. PK - Saliva
  102. PK - Sero Immune Hepatitis
  103. PK - Tes Fungsi Hati
  104. Radiology - Foto Polos Abdomen
  105. Radiology - GIT
  106. Radiology - Traktus digestivus, pancreas dan vesica fellea


  1. Anatomi - Embryologi genital
  2. Anatomi - Female Reproductive System
  3. Anatomi - fungsional reproduction
  4. Anatomi - Male Reproductive System
  5. Anatomi - Micros - Female Reproductive System
  6. Anatomi - Micros - Male Reproductive System
  7. Anatomi - Pelvis _ Perineum
  8. Anatomi - Pelvis _ Tractus Uropoetica 4th ed - PS
  9. Anatomi - Pelvis _ Traktus Uropoetica
  10. Anatomi - Reproductive System Bioscience
  11. Anatomi - Reproductive System
  12. Bedah Oncology - Breast Cancer
  13. Bedah Oncology - Pemeriksaan Payudara
  14. Bedah Uro - Erectile Dysfunction
  15. Bedah Uro - Male Infertility
  16. Bedah Uro - Undescensus Testis
  17. Bedah Uro - Varicocele
  18. Faal - Female reproduction
  19. Faal - Male Reproductive
  20. Faal - Reproduksi laki-laki
  21. Faal - Reproduksi Perempuan
  22. Farmako - Hormonal Drugs
  23. IKM - Family Planning
  24. IKM - Social Determinant of RH
  25. Mikro - Reproductive System Infection
  26. Obsgyn - Adaptasi Maternal
  27. Obsgyn - IMS
  28. Obsgyn - Antepartum-Hemorrhage
  29. Obsgyn - APN
  30. Obsgyn - Ca Servix
  31. Obsgyn - Contraception
  32. Obsgyn - Diagnosis Prenatal
  33. Obsgyn - Distosia
  34. Obsgyn - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persalinan
  35. Obsgyn - First Trimester Bleeding
  36. Obsgyn - Hemorrhagic Post Partum
  37. Obsgyn - Hipertensi Dalam Kehamilan
  38. Obsgyn - infeksi dalam kehamilan
  39. Obsgyn - Infeksi Ginekologi
  40. Obsgyn - infertil
  41. Obsgyn - IUD2
  42. Obsgyn - Kala I APN
  43. Obsgyn - Kala II Persalinan
  44. Obsgyn - Kala III dan IV-SR Revisi 2
  45. Obsgyn - Mekanise Persalinan
  46. Obsgyn - Normal Puerperium postnatal
  47. Obsgyn - partograf
  48. Obsgyn - Perdarahan Trimester Tiga Kehamilan
  49. Obsgyn - Perkembangan Fetus
  50. Obsgyn - perubahan fisiologi masa kehamilan
  51. Obsgyn - Premature Rupture of Membrane
  52. Obsgyn - Prenatal Care
  53. Obsgyn - Prenatal
  54. Obsgyn - rujukan maternal
  55. Obsgyn - Sepsis Puerpuralis
  56. PA - Patologi Kelenjar Mamma
  57. PA - Reproductive Oncology
  58. PA - Uro genitalia Laki
  59. PA - Uro genitalia Wanita
  60. Parasite - Malaria in pregnancy
  61. PK - Laboratory Assessment on Reproductive System Disorder
  62. Radiologi - Breast
  63. Radiologi - Reproduksi Perempuan
  64. Radiologi - Skrotum akut
  65. Radiologi - Thyroid
  66. Radiologi - USG ANC

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