- Acid fast bacili infection
- Acid fast bacteria
- Anti microbial drug
- Bacteriological exam of water
- Basic Virology
- Chlamydia Mycoplasma Rickettsia
- Specimens
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Fungan infection
- Genetika Bakteri
- Gram negative rods
- Gram Pos & Neg Cocci Infec
- Gram Positive Rod Infections
- Introduction of Microbiology
- Microbial Genetics
- Mycology
- Platyhelminthes
- Protozoal infection
- Rna viruses
- Helminthology
- Spirocethess
- Staining & Metabolism
- Staphiloccocus
- Microbial growt
- The Host-Parasite Relationship
- Virus dna 1
- Virus dna 2
- Imunologi
- Perkenalan etika kedokteran
- Aktifasi Limfosit
- Antigen Capture and Presentation
- Cytokines
- Effector Function Humoral
- Effector Mechanism
- Effector of CMI
- Humoral Immunity
- Hypersensitivity
- Immune Overview
- Immunity to Microbes
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunologi Hypersensitivity
- Imunodefisiensi
- Innate Immunity
- Komplemen
- Lymphocyte Maturation
- Antropoda
- Biology of paracites
- Blood and Tissue Protozoa
- Blood Tissue - Malaria
- Blood Tissue - Toxoplasma
- Cestoda
- Entomologie
- Flies myiasis
- Helmintologi
- Intro Antropoda
- Larva Migrans
- Immunology of Parasite
- Medical Parasitology
- Medically Important Arthopodes
- Microbial Infection Nematoda
- Nematocera
- Nematodes
- Pemeriksaan Lab Parasitologi
- Pestisida,insektisida & resisten
- Protozoa
- Acute Chronic Complication Of DM
- Adrenal Pituitary Disorders
- Anti Diabetic Drugs
- Basic Carbohydrate Counting
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Emergency in thyroid disease
- Endocrine Anatomy
- Endokrinology Pancreas
- Faal Endokrin
- Hipotiroid
- Histologi Endokrin
- Hormon Tiroid
- Hormon
- Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid
- Introduction to Endocrinology
- Iodine Deficiency Disorders
- Lipid, Lipoprotein & CAD
- Management Drug Therapy DM
- MNT for DM
- Nodule Thyroid
- Overview DM
- Pathology of the Thyroid
- Pemeriksaan Lab DM
- Pemeriksaan Lab Endokrin
- Pemeriksaan Lab Tiroid
- Thyroid & Antithyroid Drug
- Adverse drug reaction
- Antcancer Pharmacology
- Antimikroba
- Autocoid
- Autonomic Pharmacology
- Basic Toxicology
- Clinical Toxicology
- Drug Development
- New Drug Development Process
- Drug Discovery Development
- Drug Elimination
- Drugs acting on ANS
- Herbal Medicine
- Kapita Anti Cancer
- Introduction Pharmacology
- Pharmacodynamics
- Pharmacokinetic
Life cycle
- Adaptasi Kehidupan Ekstrauterin
- Adolescent Phase
- Dietary Guidelines
- Embryogenesis
- Exercise in Elderly
- Geriatri Neuropsychiatry
- Growth & Develoment in Children
- Growth and Developement Adolescent
- Growth Development Examination
- Human Genetic
- Imunisasi
- Initial Care of the Newborn
- Introduksi Perinatologi
- Kegawatdaruratan pada lansia
- Medical Genetics
- Nutrigenomic and Micronutrient
- Nutrition in Adult Hood
- Nutrition in Infant
- Pediatric Nutrition Care
- Pemeriksaan Fisis Neonatus
- Pengkajian Pasien Geriatri
- Perubahan Fisiologis Geriatri
- Pharmacotherapy in Aging
- Prenatal Development
- Primitive Reflex
- Protein Energy Malnutrition
Mata - THT
- Anatomy of the Ear
- Biomolekuler Mata
- Community Ophthalmology
- Diabetic Retinopaty
- Drugs of pain
- Ear
- ENT Tumors
- Eye Ear Nose Throat Antiinfections
- Eyelid
- Glaucoma
- Hearing Loss
- Imaging of Skull & THT
- Infection and Immunology of Cornea and Sclera
- Infeksi THT
- Katarak
- Laryngology
- Lens and Keratoplasty
- Neurofisiologi Penglihatan
- Neuroophtalmology
- Nose
- Orbits & Tumor
- Organon Visus
- Pediatric Ophtalmology
- Pendengaran dan Keseimbangan
- Pharmacology of the Ear, Nose, and Throat
- Pharmacology of the Eyes
- Pharynx
- Refraksi
- Regio Colli dan Facialis
- Rhinitis
- Strabismus
- Uveitis
- Vitreoretina
- Acute Leukemia
- Anemia
- Anticoagulant
- Biochemistry Of blood cell
- Darah
- Chronic Leukemia
- Flow Cytometri
- Hemophilia
- Hemostasis
- Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura
- Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Lymphoma
- Megaloblastic Anemia
- Metabolisme Fe
- Chronic Leukemia
- Myelodisplastik Syndrom
- Peripheral Blood Evaluation
- Thalassemia
- Transfusion Medicine
- Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding
- Anatomi - Abdominal Wall
- Anatomi - Embryologi Craniofasial 1
- Anatomi - Embryologi Craniofasial 2
- Anatomi - Embryologi GIT
- Anatomi - Makros GIT
- Anatomi - Makros Kelenjar GIT
- Anatomi - Mikros GIT
- Anatomi - Mikros Kelenjar GIT
- Anatomi - Praktikum GIT
- Anatomi - Praktikum Histo GIT
- Anatomi - Radiologi Abdomen
- Bedah - Appendicitis
- Bedah - Hemorhoid
- Bedah - Hernia 1
- Bedah - Hernia 2
- Bedah - Hernia 3
- Bedah - Ileus Obstruksi
- Bedah - Obstruksi of the Large Intestine
- Bedah - Peritonitis
- Bedah - Prolapsus Recti
- Bedah Anak - Acute Care Pediatric Surgey
- Bedah Anak - Anorectal Malformation
- Bedah Anak - Gastrointestinal Obstruction Syndrome
- Bedah Anak - GIT
- Bedah Plastik - Sumbing Bibir
- Faal - Digestive System
- Faal - Traktus Gastro
- Faal - Gangguan GIT, hepar
- Farmako - Antibiotic classes
- Farmako - Obat gastro intestinal
- IPD - Abses liver
- IPD - Cholecystitis
- IPD - Dispepsia
- IPD - Epidemiologi hepatitis
- IPD - Gastritis
- IPD - Gastrointestinal bleeding
- IPD - Gerd
- IPD - Inflammatory bowel disease
- IPD - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- IPD - Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
- IPD - Pancreatitis
- IPD - Peptic Ulcer
- IPD - Sirosis
- IPD - The Dx of Hepatitis
- IPD - Tuberculous peritonitis
- IPD - Update Management in Upper GI Bleeding
- Mikro - Bacterial GI Infection
- Mikro - Enterobacteriaceae prak
- Mikro - Salmonellosis, Typhoid, H,Pylori
- Mikro - Viral _ Fungal GI Infection
- Orodental - Abses Dento Aveolar
- Orodental - Erythema Multiforme
- Orodental - Glossitis
- Orodental - Infeksi Bakteri
- Orodental - Infeksi dan Radang
- Orodental - Infeksi Fungi
- Orodental - Karies
- Orodental - Kista Rongga Mulut
- Orodental - Lesi Putih dan Non Putih
- Orodental - Mouth ulcer
- Orodental - Neoplasma-leukoplakia
- Orodental - Oral Candidiasis
- Orodental - Oral Lichen Planus
- Orodental - Pembengkakan dan Benjolan
- Orodental - Pencegahan karies gigi
- Orodental - Reinforcement Anestesi Lokal
- Orodental - Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren
- Orodental - Topical Fluoride
- Orodental - Traumatik ulser
- Orodental - Variasi Normal
- PA - GIT
- PA - Hati, Sistema Biliaris, Pankreas
- PA - Hepatobiliaris System
- Parasite - Gastro Protozoa 2013-1
- Parasite - Gastro Protozoa 2013-2
- Parasite - Gastro Protozoa treatment
- Parasite - Human Intestinal Parasites Infection,Symptoms and Treatment 1
- Parasite - Human Intestinal Parasites Infection,Symptoms and Treatment 2
- Parasite - Intestinal Helminth
- Parasite - Metronid+Paromo
- Pediatri - Abdominal Wall Defects
- Pediatri - Alergi Makanan
- Pediatri - Allergy Desensitization
- Pediatri - Amoebiasis intestinalis
- Pediatri - Anaphylaxis
- Pediatri - Diare akut
- Pediatri - Diare kronis
- Pediatri - Dietary history taking for allergic disease
- Pediatri - Hepatitis B
- Pediatri - Hepatologi Pengantar
- Pediatri - Hepatologi Hepatitis A dan C
- Pediatri - Kolestasis
- Pediatri - Konstipasi
- Pediatri - Muntah dan GER Satrio
- Pediatri - Obstruksi GI pada Neonatus
- Pediatri - Peritonitis TB
- Pediatri - Prevention of HBV transmission
- Pediatri - Tatalaksana keracunan makanan pada anak
- Pediatri - Tes Alergi Pada Anak
- PK - Pemeriksaan Darah Samar Tinja
- PK - Saliva
- PK - Sero Immune Hepatitis
- PK - Tes Fungsi Hati
- Radiology - Foto Polos Abdomen
- Radiology - GIT
- Radiology - Traktus digestivus, pancreas dan vesica fellea
- Anaesthetic
- Anatomy Nervus System 2
- Anatomy Nervus System
- Antiseizure Drugs
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Basic Neurology
- ENT Tumors
- Brain Abscess
- Carpal Tunel Syndrome
- Cedera Saraf Tepi
- Cerebral Malaria
- CNS 2
- CNS Infection
- Disturbances of Conciousness
- Embryology
- Laryngology
- Lens and Keratoplasty
- Neurofisiologi Penglihatan
- Faal Sensorik
- Faal Termoregulasi
- Fungsi Luhur
- Gangguan Afektif
- Gangguan Kepribadian
- Gangguan Mental Organik
- Gangguan Neurotik
- Headache and Vertigo
- Histology Neuroanatomy
- Hydrocephalus
- Introduction to Neuroradiology
- Low Back Pain
- Meningokel
- Napza
- Nerve Cells as Excitable Cells
- Nerve Tissue
- Nervous system
- Neuroanatomy Clinical Case
- Neurodegenerative
- Neuroemergency
- Neuropaty
- Neuropediatri
- Neuropublichealth
- Neurotrauma dan Neuroonkologi
- Pemeriksaan Psikiatrik
- Peripheral Nerve
- Pharmacological Management of Headache
- Psikiatri (Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa)
- Psikiatri Anak & Remaja
- Psikiatri Forensik
- Refleks Spinal
- Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury
- Seksualitas
- Sistem Motorik
- Skizofrenia
- Sleep Disorders
- Spinal Cord and Root Compressions
- Mekanisme Penyesuaian
- Stroke Rehabilitation
- Stroke
- Teori Kepribadian
- Terapi Psikiatri
- Tumor of the Nervous System
- Anatomi - Embryologi genital
- Anatomi - Female Reproductive System
- Anatomi - fungsional reproduction
- Anatomi - Male Reproductive System
- Anatomi - Micros - Female Reproductive System
- Anatomi - Micros - Male Reproductive System
- Anatomi - Pelvis _ Perineum
- Anatomi - Pelvis _ Tractus Uropoetica 4th ed - PS
- Anatomi - Pelvis _ Traktus Uropoetica
- Anatomi - Reproductive System Bioscience
- Anatomi - Reproductive System
- Bedah Oncology - Breast Cancer
- Bedah Oncology - Pemeriksaan Payudara
- Bedah Uro - Erectile Dysfunction
- Bedah Uro - Male Infertility
- Bedah Uro - Undescensus Testis
- Bedah Uro - Varicocele
- Faal - Female reproduction
- Faal - Male Reproductive
- Faal - Reproduksi laki-laki
- Faal - Reproduksi Perempuan
- Farmako - Hormonal Drugs
- IKM - Family Planning
- IKM - Social Determinant of RH
- Mikro - Reproductive System Infection
- Obsgyn - Adaptasi Maternal
- Obsgyn - IMS
- Obsgyn - Antepartum-Hemorrhage
- Obsgyn - APN
- Obsgyn - Ca Servix
- Obsgyn - Contraception
- Obsgyn - Diagnosis Prenatal
- Obsgyn - Distosia
- Obsgyn - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persalinan
- Obsgyn - First Trimester Bleeding
- Obsgyn - Hemorrhagic Post Partum
- Obsgyn - Hipertensi Dalam Kehamilan
- Obsgyn - infeksi dalam kehamilan
- Obsgyn - Infeksi Ginekologi
- Obsgyn - infertil
- Obsgyn - IUD2
- Obsgyn - Kala I APN
- Obsgyn - Kala II Persalinan
- Obsgyn - Kala III dan IV-SR Revisi 2
- Obsgyn - Mekanise Persalinan
- Obsgyn - Normal Puerperium postnatal
- Obsgyn - partograf
- Obsgyn - Perdarahan Trimester Tiga Kehamilan
- Obsgyn - Perkembangan Fetus
- Obsgyn - perubahan fisiologi masa kehamilan
- Obsgyn - Premature Rupture of Membrane
- Obsgyn - Prenatal Care
- Obsgyn - Prenatal
- Obsgyn - rujukan maternal
- Obsgyn - Sepsis Puerpuralis
- PA - Patologi Kelenjar Mamma
- PA - Reproductive Oncology
- PA - Uro genitalia Laki
- PA - Uro genitalia Wanita
- Parasite - Malaria in pregnancy
- PK - Laboratory Assessment on Reproductive System Disorder
- Radiologi - Breast
- Radiologi - Reproduksi Perempuan
- Radiologi - Skrotum akut
- Radiologi - Thyroid
- Radiologi - USG ANC
- Introduction
- Systema Cardiovascular Anatomy
- Embriologi Sistem Kardiovaskular
- Introduction FIsiologis
- The Heart as a Pump
- Local control of blood flow
- Rapid control of arterial pressure
- Role of the Kidney in Long Term Regulation
- Cardiac failure (fisiology)
- Electrocardiography
- Angina pectoralis
- Skrining
- lipid elect in CVD
- Mikro Kardiovaskuler
- Vascular pathology
- Drug usedin heart failure (farmako)
- Clinical reasoning (cardio)
- Hipertensive heart disease
- EKG Basic
- Aritmia
- Cardiac Arrest and ACLS
- Rehabilitation of Heart Disease
- Cardiogenic shock
- Deep vein trombosis
- Bedah Plastik - Sumbing Bibir
- Peripheral arterial desease
- Adult congenital heart disease
- Systemic disease and the Heart
- Cardiometabolic risk
- Infective Endocarditis
- Reumatic fever
- CardioRenal Syndrome
- PJB Asianotik
- PJB Kritis pada neonatus
- PJB Asianotik
- PJB sianotik dengan gangguan paru
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cor Pulmonale
- Bedah jantung
- Trauma thorak
- Acid Base Disorders
- Acid base disturbance
- Airway and Rescue Breathing
- Airway Management
- Anastesi Inhalasi
- Anastesi Umum
- Lokal Anestesi
- Sub Arachnoid Block
- Anestesiologi-reanimasi
- Anesthesia Perioperative
- Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
- Atropine
- Electrolyte balance and disturbance
- Fisiologi respirasi dan kardiovaskuler
- Fluids and Electrolytes
- Induksi Anestesi
- Intravenous Anesthesia
- Introduction to Anasthesiology
- Teknik Anastesi
- Komplikasi anestesi
- Muscle Relaxants 1
- Muscle Relaxants 2
- Nutrisi Enternal
- Nutrisi Parenteral
- Obat Inhalasi
- Obat-obat Emergensi
- Opioid Analgesics
- Pain
- Persiapan Operasi
- Pharmacology in Anasthesia
- Prinsip dasar farmakologi dan aplikasi obat anestesi
- Produk Darah
- Resusitasi Cairan pada Shock Perdarahan
- Sedasi
- Shock management
- Shock
- Spinal Anastesia
- Terapi Cairan Perioperatif
- Vasopressor & Vasodilator
Tropic medicine
- IPD - Anthrax
- IPD - Demam Tifoid
- IPD - Dengue
- IPD - Diare
- IPD - Difteri
- IPD - Diphtheri
- IPD - Imunisasi pada keadaan khusus
- IPD - Leptospira
- IPD - Malaria
- IPD - Nonethanol
- IPD - Organophosphate
- IPD - Poisoning
- IPD - Sepsis _ Septic shock
- IPD - TB ekstra paru
- IPD - Terapi HIV
- IPD - Tetanus
- IPD - Typhoid
- IPD - Universal Precaution
- Pediatri - Demam dan Demam Tifoid
- Pediatri - Dengue
- Pediatri - Difteri
- Pediatri - Fever of Unknown Origin
- Pediatri - HIV Anak
- Pediatri - Infeksi Rumah Sakit
- Pediatri - Introduction Pediatric Infection
- Pediatri - Kandidiasis
- Pediatri - Malaria
- Pediatri - Morbili Rubela
- Pediatri - Pertusis
- Pediatri - Sepsis
- Pediatri - Tetanus
- Pediatri - TORCH
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